In all cases, entries will not be accepted unless accompanied by appropriate fees.
Competitors will be admitted free only to the session in which they compete.
Competitors may obtain particulars of their marks after each class on the day of competition.
No competitor may perform the same piece in more than one class.
(a) All members of a Traditional Group in competitions must be bona fide members of the group on the day of entry.
(b) In the cases of school Traditional Groups, all members must be on the particular school’s rolls on the day of entry.
Proof of age must be produced if required and competitors must be the age stated on the 1st January 2020.
(a) Prizes will be withheld if sufficient merit is not shown.
(b) In all solo classes there must be at least 3 No. entries per class to constitute a competition.
Any protest against the infringement of the bye-laws or against a competitor, must be in writing and accompanied by a fee of £20 which will be returned only if the protest is upheld by the committee whose decision shall be final.
Competitors must not perform the same piece in two consecutive years.
All prizes are awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator, whose decision is final.
All entries for competitions are accepted subject to these Bye-Laws.
Entries will be accepted on the Official Entry Forms only. Entry Forms can be obtained from the Section Secretary.
No late entries will be accepted after the closing date.