Bye-Laws and Child Protection

  1. In all cases, entries will not be accepted unless accompanied by appropriate fees.
  2. Competitors will be admitted free only to the session in which they compete.
  3. In Junior and Juvenile competition, proof of age must be produced if required, and the competitors must be under the age in the Irish Dancing
  4. Section on the 1st January 2018.
  5. Prizes will be withheld if sufficient merit is not shown.
  6. Any protest against the infringement of the Bye-Laws or against a competitor, must be in writing and accompanied by a fee of £20.00 which will be returned only if the protest is upheld by the Committee whose decision will be final.
  7. In Team Dances of four or more dancers - first and second prizes will be awarded. Third prize will only be awarded if there are ten or more entries in the competition, unless in cases of outstanding ability when the adjudicator recommends to the Committee that a third prize of medals or certificates be given, in which case the adjudicator must make a public announcement of his/ her decision for the platform.
  8. Competitors may only dance once in any class. In figure dancing a team may include not more than one substitute dancer who may have competed previously in the same or in any other age group.
  9. Junior Team Dances - if there are five or more mixed teams competing, competition will be split.
  10. All the entries for competitions are accepted subject to these Bye-Laws.
  11. All entries will be accepted only from a registered teacher. This does not apply in Ceidhle classes.
  12. All prizes including certificates of merit are awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator, whose decision is final.
  13. Competitors in Ceidhle classes must be members of a club or organisation.
  14. In Junior and Senior Ceidhle classes only club dancing costumes may be worn.