- In all cases, entries will not be accepted unless accompanied by the appropriate fees.
- Competitors will be admitted free only to the session in which they compete.
- In Junior or Juvenile competition proof of age must be produced, if required, and competitors must be the age stated on 1st January 2020.
- Prizes will be withheld if sufficient merit is not shown.
- Any protest against the infringement of the bye-laws or against a competitor, must be in writing and accompanied by a fee of £20 which will be returned only if the protest is upheld by the committee whose decision shall be final.
- Competitors must provide copies of script for the adjudicator.
- Competitors must provide cast lists and credits for the adjudicator and for programme at least TEN DAYS in advance of the Feis.
- Competitors must not perform the same play in two consecutive years.
- Entry forms will be supplied for each section.
- All the entries for competitions are accepted subject to these Bye-Laws.